A huge thank you to our friends Dominique and Jacques de Taisne and their family for hosting the launch of our 2012 La Tourbeille. What a delight to open the wine in the setting of their beautiful Paris home, buoyed up by their hospitality.
Huge thanks as well to the dear friends and their friends who dropped by to taste vintages 2011 and 2012. It was wonderful to catch up and wonderful to find that all the cases of both vintages we had brought direct from our winery – were snatched up by the end of evening. Thank you all, for your enthusiasm and support!
photo: “Vignes aux Vins en Pays Foyen” www.facebook.com/vignesauxvinsenpaysfoyen
4 thoughts on “Wine Tasting – La Tourbeille in Paris, December 2014”
I LOVE the picture of you two! So moving!
Il y a tant à ressentir de ce qui s’exprime là par le mouvement, les regards, les “couleurs”, le contact, …
quelle énergie! Et tellement tranquille! On a envie de vous rejoindre!
Congratulations! and may I say what a Fabulous photograph!
Love, Sarah
I’m flooded with happy memories as I see your lovely faces. Beautiful photo of a beautiful couple who continue to add to the sum total of beauty on this planet. Wow.
It’s me, again. I’ve spent the morning with you at Latourbeille reading every word you’ve written and scouring every photo – especially the ones of beautiful you, the always distinguished John, the gorgeous Genivieve, and of course Julian with fur for lashes and Henri the extraordinary. It feels as if I’ve discovered a secret garden where I found you waiting for me, both of us living very different lives now than we did as friends in Paris. I thank you for this lovely morning in your winery. Your writing transports me to places I have never been but feel an intimate kind of connection to now through you. One day, soon, we will stand together on your lawn and look up at those Cedars of Lebanon like we stood n the Champs de Mars and looked up many times together at the Eiffel Tower. And so it is. I love you.